Our Administrator is Said Giama. Said has multiple experiences working with clients who have developmental disabilities. He worked as a social worker for 20 years and worked as program manager in different group homes in Utah, Minnesota and Wisconsin for clients with developmental disabilities.
The Caregiver on duty is in charge when the Administrator is away from the facility. We have awake staff available 24 hours per day if resident conditions require 24 awake staff. Our staffing is to have a minimum of 1 staff person on duty at all times.
Aegis Quality Care LLC will complete comprehensive preadmission assessments for all prospective residents to thoroughly understand the residents’ needs and preferences to determine whether the prospective resident needs can be met by Aegis Quality Care LLC and if the resident is compatible with residents currently residing in the home. We cannot accept residents who display behaviors that may be harmful to themselves or others and residents who need assistance with mobility.
Resident Funds
Staff at Aegis Quality Care LLC will manage resident funds, up to $200.00, with the written consent of the resident and/or responsible party. Residents will have access to their funds 24/7 with staff assistance.
NOTE: Employment checks and other types of income are not required to be signed over or given to the facility.